Friday, June 17, 2011

An old essay I found in my closet...

           I found an old essay I wrote when I was younger today! It's about what kind of house I want to own when I grow up. I was looking for a silk Japanese fan I'd lost a few days ago, but I found it instead! I edited it a little, so tell me what you think...

         ...The house will be snow and creamy lemon,* with more windows than you can count, with hidden corridors and lost rooms you never find twice. With walls covered in murals and balconies tucked into sweet, unsuspecting corners, perfect for seeing without being seen. With staircases that spiral up and up until your head is spinning and you simply cannot climb anymore. With a room higher than the rest, so high that looking down makes you dizzy and looking up brings you closer to the stars than the gods. With an ocean at your fingertips and stories piled high...
        So, what do you think? I thought it turned out pretty well.

                                                                                   A Writer
*Mmm...aren't those words delicious together? They make me think of these super delish chocolate and strawberry pastries my mom made me for mah birthday... 

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