Saturday, June 18, 2011

A monologue I wrote about my imaginary friend

This is a monologue I wrote, also when I was younger, just after I read Anne of Green Gables. I loved the book so much, I wrote a monologue (although I didn't know what it was at the time!) in the style of the way Anne talks to Marilla, only about my imaginary friend, whom I suspect is still lurking around in the corners of my mind.

There is a beautiful, perfectly elegant brick house on Goldmine Hill (it's named after the old gold mine they made nearby, of course,) less than a mile away from mine. Even though I know I am much too old, sometimes I pretend a girl my age lives there. She is pretty (although she couldn't care less) and vivacious, bold and careless, too curious for her own good, and dreadfully sarcastic if provoked. She can give the most distractingly witty little speeches that are simply enchanting.

Although I know I shouldn't judge people by their looks, it's so much easier to love something beautiful than ugly, don't you think? I try not to mind how dreadfully plain I am in comparison, but it is hard, and Adele is very pretty. She is tall and slim, with long, smooth hair like black silk and dark eyes that flash and sparkle and dance when she is excited.

She can sulk spectacularly, and throw the most brilliant tantrums. She sulks quite often, mostly because she goes to a perfectly dreadful all-girls school (one of the best in the country, of course, because she is very wealthy), and hates it because the other girls are snobby and mean and tease Adele because she doesn't care about fashion or boys like they do. She's gotten kicked out of three different schools in the past year alone. Three! Can you imagine?

I was a little frightened of her at first, because I'd heard such awful stories, but she was very nice and scrupulously polite. She said she'd never met anyone with such a mouth on them, but she rather liked it on me, because at least I had something interesting to say, and that was more than what could be said of some people!

We had a perfectly delicious afternoon. We sat in the shade under some enormous oak trees, and the cook brought us cookies on delicate china plates rimmed in gold: snickerdoodle, sugar, ginger snap, chocolate chip, and even a funny kind I'd never had, from Germany Adele said. A secret family recipe of the cook's. We pretended to be elegant young ladies, taking tiny bites of cookie, until Adele bet me 10 cents I couldn't fit more cookies into my mouth at one time than her. Of course I didn't bet, because gambling is wrong, but Adele did it anyway. It was so funny I almost died laughing.

Oh, I just know Adele and I are going to be the best of friends! Adele says she will take me to the circus! Imagine that, a real circus, with lions and acrobats and everything! And to concerts in the summer, and ice skating in the winter, and to Adele's summer cottage by the sea, and we'll celebrate each other's birthdays together, since they're only a few years apart, and oh, what fun we'll have! 

Did you like it? I thought it was pretty good!

                                                                          A Writer

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